Guns, Germs & Steel

.Today in class we watched Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond. In the Middle Eat there was wheat and barley growing instead of Sago. Food sources set nation to modern civilization. Archeologist have discovered a village that is 11.5 thousand years old. They lived i oval huts. It took them 4 years to discover. They had the worlds first granary. It was the first time people started to bring food back to them. They became the first farmers in the world. People started to control nature. Plant domestication. Some places that developed their own farming are: China-rice, Americas-Corn, squash, beans, Africa-sorghum, millet, yams. The highlands of Papua New Guinea didn't advance in farming. People around the world that had the most productive crops were the most productive farmers. Jared Diamonds conclusion is that it came down to geographic luck.
