Population Pyramids

Today in class we  watched a video on Population Pyramids. Males are on one side females are on the other. The numbers for population are shown in the middle.For every 5 years.It go's up to 100+. Starting at 0-4. The first group is pre-reproductive (0-14). Reproductive (15-44). Post reproductive years (45 and up). Population Pyramids can predict future population trends. Today in class we also got our tests back. I got an 89%. I got number 11, 14, 22, and 26 wrong. Number 11 asked what the unemployment rate rate is in Brazil. I put 28.5% the correct answer was 12.8%. Number 14 gave a definition and you had a word bank to choose from. The correct answer was Net Migration Rate. I put Population growth rate. Number 22 you had to do math. I was one off. Number 26 asked which of the three counties had the highest fertility rate: China, Niger or Canada. I said Canada but the correct answer was Niger. I got one of the bonus questions right.


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