Population Pyramid TED talk

 Today in class we watched the population pyramid video as a class. Russia is the largest country in the world in square miles. Nigeria has the largest population and it is still growing. In a population pyramid men are always on the left, women are always on the right and the numbers are in the middle. It starts with the youngest and increases until the oldest are at the top. It counts up in intervals of 5. The pre reproductive years are 00-04, 05-05, 10-14. If the pyramid looks like a triangle then the population is growing quickly (pre industrialization). If the pyramid starts at the bottom and then goes outward and comes back in the population is growing slowly (Industrialization). But if the population starts small get's bigger than gets small that means that the population is declining (Post Industrial). A population pyramid can be a record of a countries past. For example when the baby boom hit after World War II that was recorded.
